quality of education

SBS Swiss Business School must demonstrate to students, employers, transfer institutions, legislators, accrediting bodies, faculties, employees, and many other stakeholders that it is fulfilling its mission to promote student success and well-being through excellent educational programs, research and service delivery.
The SBS Quality of Education integrates strategic and annual planning and budgeting, assessment and evaluation, and utilization of resulting institutional knowledge for decision-making and continuous improvement of educational programs and services.
The purpose of the Swiss Business School’s Quality of Education is to assure the success of students with regards to their studies and academic acumen, as well as to facilitate their future career development. Furthermore, it serves to enhance the institution’s sustainability and academic regimen, as well as increase the international research contributions and ranking. This process is facilitated by a systematic quality cycle, focusing primarily on continuous improvement and institutional governance, as well as on internal and external moderation and examination. At SBS Swiss Business School, the Quality of Education will focus specifically on the following:
- Assessment: Assure completion of the four steps of the quality cycle; plan, do, check, act.
- Accreditation: Assure fulfillment of all required criteria to maintain accreditation and quality standards.
- Accountability: Assure that all key performance indicators and objectives are achieved
SBS Quality Education Principles
The quality assurance processes are designed to recognize the shared responsibility for the setting and maintenance of the academic and research standards. They recognize the broad involvement of the academic staff, students, researchers and other SBS stakeholders.
Whilst there is a shared responsibility for academic quality standards and quality enhancement, the responsibilities of individual roles and functions are clearly stated.
Quality assurance processes are designed to be proportionate to the risk related to the activity at hand; especially with regards to collaborative provision. Documentation requirements seek to ensure that students and other SBS stakeholders have access to clear and accurate information about study programs, and provides clarity to the SBS partners with respect to the continuous maintenance of academic standards.
Quality processes are clearly communicated to staff and students with good practices being identified and shared across SBS to aid quality enhancement. The quality assurance framework is based on peer review and should involve a constructive dialogue between all those involved in the process.